Ng jazz 2023-2024 info/auditions
ensemble Offerings
NG Big Band: Auditioned Ensemble Limited to Saxophones/Trombone/Trumpet/Rhythm Section (Piano/Guitar/Bass/Drum Set/Vibes/Vocals)
Results Released Nov. 5
Rehearsals begin Nov. 6
NG Swingphonic Band: Will be contingent on number of auditions and if this group would be able to be self sufficient.
Please be aware that if a student is selected for the Big Band, they will be expected to travel with the ensemble for performances throughout the rest of the year!
NG Jazz Interest Form - Please Fill Out!!
Audition Requirements
Audition video is due November 3rd by 5:00pm by FlipGrid submission:
Results will be available on website by 5:00pm on Sunday 11/5
Perform Chromatic Scale showcasing your full range
Perform [Bracketed] Excerpt from piece:
Reference recordings:
Perform [Bracketed] Excerpt from piece: HERE
Reference Recording:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas:
Silver Bells:
1 Free Choice Selection, something that will showcase YOU the best.
Perform [Bracketed] Excerpt from piece: HERE
Reference Recording:
Big Dipper:
Comping in the Style of Freddie Green:
1 Free Choice Selection, something that will showcase YOU the best. Can be rock/funk etc.
Perform [Bracketed] Excerpt from piece: HERE
Reference Recording:
1 Free Choice, something that will showcase YOU the best. Can be on Upright or Electric. Can be rock/funk etc.
Perform [Bracketed] Excerpt from piece: HERE
Reference Recording:
Perform [Bracketed] Excerpt from piece: HERE
Reference Recording:
16 Measures of Medium Swing w/Sticks at QN = 112
16 Measures of Shuffle at QN = 108
16 Measures of Bossa Nova at QN = 132
16 Measures of Up-Tempo Swing w/Sticks at HN = 112
NG Big Band: $200 - PAY HERE! Fee should only be paid once roster has been posted!
Includes T-shirt, Performance Button Down (if you don’t have one already), Music, Guest Instruction